西班牙研究专业旨在培养学生对构成西班牙和葡巴西世界的庞大而复杂的文化体系的详细理解, a space that includes the United States of America. In pursuing this goal, students work with a wide range of creative traditions. While most of the textual artifacts we work with are in Spanish, Portuguese is an increasingly important element in these areas. 这项分析工作的总体目标是提高学生理解西班牙文化生产的多种表现形式及其产生的社会和历史背景的能力.


Number of courses, credits and overall GPA required for the major:

Plan A majors in Hispanic studies are required to have a total of 12.5 courses beyond HISP 102.

B计划专业 whose primary concentration is in Hispanic studies are required to take 7.5 credits beyond HISP 102.

第二专业为西班牙语研究的B计划专业学生需要在HISP 102之外总共修五门西班牙语研究课程.


A计划专业: All Plan A majors are required to have a total of 12.5 courses beyond HISP 102. The required courses (totaling 9.5学分) are to be distributed in the following manner: two courses at the 26X-level; 他270年; 他280年; 他290年 (0.5); one course from another department/program related to the Hispanic world or any course in LACS; three courses at the 300 level; and HISP 401.

The rest of the credits within the major are earned through elective courses. No more than three courses taken abroad can be counted towards the major. One 300-level course taken abroad is counted for the major. All other required courses within the major must be taken with faculty at Trinity’s 哈特福德 campus. Electives could include 201, 202, 214, 215, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 240 245, or extra 26X-level courses, certain approved courses taken abroad, or extra 300-level courses. Teaching assistant credits may not count towards the major or minor.

西班牙语专业的学生应该在西班牙或拉丁美洲的西班牙语研究部门批准的任何其他项目中学习 Office of 研究了 website).  All students wishing    to receive credit toward the major for courses taken abroad, 必须采取至少一个主题适当的(伊比利亚或拉丁美洲)文明和文化课程(HISP 26X)在他们出发之前. Careful planning in coordination with the student’s adviser and, 如果适用的话, the department’s faculty sponsors of the sites is therefore essential. 在西班牙和/或拉丁美洲的西班牙裔研究部门批准的任何其他计划中,在官方学习地点之一出国学习一年的学生可以申请超过3门课程计入专业.

Students who are unable to study abroad must take an extra 300-level course to substitute for 他290年.

Required courses for the Plan A major

  • Three electives beyond HISP 102
  • One related field course or any LACS course
  • Two culture courses (HISP 261, 262, 263 or 264)
  • 他270年. Introduction to Cultural Analysis
  • 他280年. 拉美裔哈特福德
  • 他290年. Studying in the Hispanic World Colloquium (0.5学分)
  • Three HISP 300 level (upper-level seminars in Spanish)
  • HISP 401 (senior seminar)
  • 出国留学

B计划专业: (结合语言文化研究系和古典研究系两门语言的学生)

以西班牙语研究为主要方向的B计划专业学生需要修习以下课程(共7门).5 credits beyond HISP 102): two courses at the 26X level, 他270年, 他280年, 他290年 (0.5), three courses at the 300 level, and HISP 401. In this final exercise, 如果可能的话, 学生将深入研究一个主题,该主题整合了语言和文化能力的主要和次要领域的材料. 本专业剩余的五个学分将在学生的语言和文化能力的第二领域中获得. 没有在西班牙语国家留学的学生必须参加额外的300级课程来代替他290年.

以西班牙语为主要能力的专业学生应该在西班牙或拉丁美洲的西班牙语研究部门批准的任何其他项目中学习 http://f6tw.ngskmc-eis.net/studyaway/trinity-programs/). 所有希望获得国外课程学分的学生必须在出发前至少参加一门主题适当的(伊比利亚或拉丁美洲)文明和文化课程(HISP 26X). 因此,与学生的指导老师和部门的教师赞助者协调仔细的规划是必不可少的. Students who are unable to study abroad must take an extra 300-level course to substitute for 他290年.

Requirements for the Plan B major with primary competence in Hispanic studies

  • Two culture courses (HISP 261, 262, 263, or 264)
  • 他270年. Introduction to Cultural Analysis
  • 他280年. 拉美裔哈特福德
  • 他290年. Studying in the Hispanic World Colloquium (0.5学分)
  • Two HISP 300-level courses (upper level seminars in Spanish)
  • HISP 401 (高级研讨会)

B计划专业 第二专业是西班牙语研究的学生,除了HISP 102之外,还需要修五门西班牙语研究课程. 这些, 下列课程必须在博彩平台网址大全哈特福德校区学习:两门文明与文化课程和两门300级课程. 在某些情况下, 学生可以要求在批准的学习计划中参加的一门高级课程计入所需的300级课程. 根据教师的判断,具有西班牙研究二级能力的B计划专业学生可以免除300级课程的某些先决条件.

Plan B major with secondary competence in Hispanic studies

  • 一个选修课
  • Two culture courses (HISP 261, 262, 263 or 264)
  • Two HISP 300 level courses (upper level seminars in Spanish)


A计划专业: The rest of the credits within the major are earned through elective courses. Only one 300-level course taken abroad can be counted towards the major. All other required courses within the major must be taken with faculty at Trinity’s 哈特福德 campus. Electives could include 201, 202, 214, 215, 221, 224, 226, 245, extra 26X-level courses, certain approved courses taken abroad, or extra 300-level courses.

Approved courses in Portuguese or Catalan may be counted as electives toward the major. Teaching assistant credits may not count toward the Major or Minor.

Capstone/Senior Project:

对于计划A或计划B西班牙研究专业的学生,写作强化第二部分要求由HISP 401完成. 高级研讨会.

A计划专业HISP 401: 高级研讨会. In this final exercise, 学生将围绕与西班牙语世界相关的共同主题进行理论和批判性阅读,并要求对与共同主题相关的特定主题进行分析研究论文.

B计划专业 (primary concentration is in Hispanic studies)—HISP 401. In this final exercise, 如果可能的话, 学生将深入研究一个主题,该主题整合了语言和文化能力的主要和次要领域的材料.



A计划专业 在西班牙或拉丁美洲的西班牙语研究部门批准的任何其他项目中学习.

Students who are unable to study abroad must take an extra 300-level course to substitute for 他290年.

B计划专业 以西班牙语为主要能力的学生是否被鼓励参加留学办公室批准的出国留学项目.


语言和文化研究系的西班牙语研究部分假定了大多数文化形式的建构和动态性质, including entities as large and important as nations and states. 大量的重点放在机构在调解和塑造我们的社会现实感方面所起的作用.


要获得西班牙语研究专业的荣誉资格,必须在该专业的所有课程中达到a -或更高的累积平均水平,并且在HISP 401中达到a -或更高.

Minor in 拉美裔研究

The Minor in 拉美裔研究 —students who wish to minor in Hispanic studies take a minimum of 5.在HISP 221及以上的水平上获得5个学分,以发展语言技能,并加深对西班牙和拉丁美洲文化和文明的理解.

If the student studies abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, the 5.5 credits (at the HISP 221 level and beyond) must be distributed in the following ways:

  • four courses at Trinity (in 哈特福德), which must include one HISP 26X-level culture course, 他270年, and one HISP 300-level seminar ;
  • one course abroad taken in Spanish and on a topic related to Hispanic cultures; and
  • 他290年: Studying in the Hispanic World Colloquium (0.5学分)

If the student does not study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, the student must take a minimum of 5.5 credits distributed as follows:

  • Five credits at or above the HISP 221 level, which must include at least one culture course (26X level), 他270年, and at least one 300-level seminar.
  • 一个0.5 credit internship with a 哈特福德-area organization that works with the local Hispanic community, or a second seminar at the 300 level.

语言与文化研究科目下的英语课程不计入课程总数. No more than two transfer courses (taken abroad or at another institution) may be applied to the minor.

To declare a minor in Hispanic studies, contact any Hispanic studies faculty member.